Great weekend shooting at the Clay’s Cartridge Company Classic PRS match. Got my butt kicked as expected. I was shooting a Tikka T3X Tact A1 with a Vortex 4-27 Razor HD Scope. Really great equipment, but it’s amazing how high these guys set the bar. Small, far targets in cold 25 MPH winds and then rain. Some of the gusts might have reached 35ish MPH. Targets were 8- 10″ circles and 10″? squares going out to 8 or 9 hundred yards. They did have a few IPSC targets. Not many. When we showed up the targets were painted black. I haven’t seen this before, but I would assume to add another layer of difficulty? I think they also had an orange target, but if I remember right it was in a area with orange dirt. A black target in the shade of a brush pile can be challenging to find under pressure in a scope. By the end they were mostly all grey.

Lots of cool barricades to shoot off. This is one of the areas I need a lot of practice. Sorry neighbors if you soon see me with a gun on my fence or a tank trap popping up in the back yard.

Learned a lot. Wind calls are HARD. Changing wind calls while you are shooting is HARDER. The affect the wind has on your ability to aim when you are hit with gusts on a barricade is surprising. 100 fps can have a significant effect on how a bullet flies. That goes back to my reloading and testing. How to keep you equipment running well when the conditions fill your gun with dirt. Little tricks to keep your scope clear in the rain. How water can potentially affect your gun, ammo and velocity. There are so many variables that go into shooting well. All need to line up to be competitive at one of these events. It takes LEGIT training and LOTS of experience to get there.

A big thanks to Chase Lions and Eric Lee with Sgt of Arms for sharing so much knowledge and making the trip a great one. Both of whom did well taking 1st and 2nd in the gas gun division! I really need to get one of those Sgt of Arms guns.

Met some great shooters and awesome people. A fifteen year old girl, Ashton Glasscock, in my squad kicked my butt!! And when I say kicked my butt, she smoked me. It was really cool watching her shoot and adapt to barricades she could barley reach. Super smooth and exuding confidence. All of this while babysitting two or three of a shooters kids. Amazing. #Kidgoals. My daughters really need to meet her!!
The family putting on the match, owners of Clay’s Cartridge Company, did an amazing job. Saturday lunch was some of the best BBQ I’ve ever had. Sunday dinner was Prime Rib (I’m pretty sure it was off their ranch) with the best green beans I have ever tasted. All the sponsors were great and the prize table was overflowing with great prizes. Surprisingly I walked away with a $100 MAGPUL bi-pod. All in all it was a great weekend. Very challenging but rewarding.