The proprietor of this fine internet resource asked me if I would be interested in authoring a blog and then pretty much granted me free reign with little direction.
You need some kind of resume to be an author on a gun page right? Yeah, I don’t have much of one but I’ll introduce myself and you can decide how much salt you’re gonna need.

Born and raised a Texas country boy. The whole bit. ranching, rode horses nearly everyday since before I could walk and hunted as soon as I could hold Red Ryder. Dad did some professional cowboying, guiding, hunting and outfitting but never got famous. Guess you could say I was blessed with a solid instructor though from the beginning when it came to guns. Most of the men in my family were Reserve Sheriff’s deputies when I was little. No joke they were on the Sheriff’s Posse. I remember getting to tag along on range days and mock manhunts on horseback.
I got to shoot a lot as a kid. I could hunt most everything with a bag limit without leaving the ranch. (I’ll save hunting stories for later.)
Had a long spell where I worked weekends on a sporting clays range in my teens as well as shot local leagues in trap & skeet.
Spent a couple years as a machinist (though not directly firearms related) I find that still comes in handy.

Then I became a cop. Just in a midsize department on the edge of a major metroplex. My jurisdiction had an interesting dynamic and was far from boring. So I’m sneaking up on a decade and a half behind the badge and that’s come with some experiences. Primarily I’ve filled roles in Patrol as an Officer and a Supervisor as well as SWAT on both entry team and as a Sniper.
That led me to back to firearms competition. In a search for personal growth I’ve shot some IDPA, USPSA even a little 3 gun (just outlaw and local stuff) then I stumbled into precision rifle and began to dabble in that at a more national level.
You won’t see me in the spot light, as the saying goes “a jack of many trades but a master of none.”
If I have anything to offer it is just my brand of contemplative logic, a cowboy philosopher that might spur some thought.
Signed; NS